Copyright Soft Ventures, Inc. 1999-2006, all rights reserved. is a web based application designed to assist Bingo coordinators and volunteer workers. allows volunteer workers to: allows bingo coordinator to:
When an organization signs up for the service, their years events are entered into the system. Their primary workers are added also. Each worker is given a LoginId and a Password. The workers can then login to and see what dates their organization requires bingo workers for.
When the worker decides which bingos to work, they login and add their names to the list of workers for that event. If they are getting another person to help also, they can add that person as a subworker to them. when the other person has worked the bingo, the credit for that will go towards the worker's commitment.
The basic sequence of events in is to - add workers/subworkers to the system first, - then assign them to events. |
Many organizations require members to work a certain number of bingo events. This required
number is the member's commitment. When a bingo is worked, the worker
gets credits toward the commitment. Normally one bingo = one credit but some positions
worked earn more than one credit. This is determined by the bingo coordinator.
The bingo coordinator is a member of the organization that has full control over events,
workers and subworkers in
An Event is a Bingo. An event has a time, date, place and number or workers
required. Events are shown in a calendar on the main (home) page of For
details see 'Home' screen information.
The workers can add/remove themselves from an event. Coordinators can add/remove any workers from an event.
A status is a condition that determines what can be done with an event. the statuses of a
bingo events are:
Open - workers can sign up to work this event.
Closed - Only the coordinator can add/remove workers.
Done - The event has been worked.
Complete - The credits have been assigned to workers.
A subworker is a person who will work a bingo to help the primary worker meet his/her commitment.
Arnold Rimmer plays clarinet in the Red Dwarf Marching Band (RDMB). To raise money for the
band, the RDMB works bingos at the International Bingo Palace (IBP). there is a bingo
scheduled for September 12, 1999. Arnold's brother, Ace, and his friend Dave Lister, have
agreed to help out and work the bingo also.
Event: IBP 12/09/99
Worker: Arnold Rimmer
Subworkers: Ace Rimmer, Dave Lister
If a worker wants to work a particular event but that event already has all workers it
needs, the worker can choose to be added to a waitlist for the event. If an opening
becomes available on the event the bingo coordinator can assign the waitlisted worker to
the event. The coordinator has the option to assign waitlisted workers to an event even if
the event has it's required worker count.
Worker (sometimes referred to a primary
A worker is someone who works a bingo and by so doing, receives credits toward his or her
bingo commitment. Workers are normally members of the
organization supplying volunteers. Workers can add Subworkers to work bingos for, or with,
Each event goes through several stages, each with an associated status.
Stage | Status |
Entered into the system | Open |
xx* days before the event | Closed |
After the event has happened | Done |
The coordinator authorizes credits | Complete |
* decided by the coordinator
The Login Screen requires you to enter your LoginID and Password as well as your organization code. Your Bingo Coordinator can give you your LoginID and Password. It is a good idea to go into 'My Details' and change your password the first time you access
Note, if you arrive at the page from a link on your organization's web site, the organization code may have been passed through and therfore not be required for you to enter.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
Select an Event
To view the details for an event click on the link in the calendar. This is where
you would go to add or remove yourself from an event.
Changing Calendar Month
You can change the month up or down by one month with the << or >> buttons. To
move quickly to a different month just select it from the Month drop-down list in the
title bar of the calendar.
Display Options
You can have the calendar show statutory holidays by clicking on the 'Holidays' check box.
You can have the calendar show your organization's special days by clicking on the '..
special days' check box.
Links to Events are shown in an abriviated form on the calendar
ABC = Location code
HH:MM = Time of Event
As = Assigned workers
Rq = Required workers
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
The top of this screen shows your basic name, address, phone, etc. If you have an email address be sure and enter it here as will email reminders to you if there is an address entered.
Your LoginID and Password can be changed here. You must enter your password twice (once in the 'Passowrd' box and once in the 'Password again' box. This is to ensure there are no typos in the password as it does not echo back the letters you type, only *'s.
You can select a first and second choice of positions to work. This is just a guideline to the bingo coordinator and your actual position will be assigned based on the coordinators requirements for the particular event.
If you are a primary worker your current commitment and credit levels will be displayed. If you are a subworker, this are will show 'n/a' for not applicable.
Links to a list of Events worked and Events scheduled are provided. Note, if you have selected to be waitlisted on an event that is fully booked, your waitlist will not show up as either a worked event or a scheduled event.
If you make any changes to the information on this screen, you must hit the 'Save Changes' button before leaving this page, otherwise they will be discarded.
If you are a primary worker there is a section at the bottom of the screen where
you can add or remove subworkers. Once you add a
subworker, you can then assign them to any event.
Clicking the 'Edit' button by a subworker name will bring you to another
'My Details' screen only this one is for our subworker.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
This screen shows a list of events that the worker, and subworkers have signed up for. By clicking on the event link you can go to the event details.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
The top section of the Event Detail screen shows the location and status of the event.
The bottom section show current workers for the event.
You can add yourself or a subworker by selecting the appropriate name in the drop-down list, then click on 'Add Worker'.
Sign up for a bingo. |
See what bingos I am working. | Select 'My Events' on the left side of the calendar page or.. Select 'My Details', then 'Events Scheduled' |
See what bingos I have worked. | Select 'My Details', then 'Events Worked' |
Change by email address. |
Sign up a subworker for a bingo. |
See what bingos my subworker has worked or is scheduled to work. |
The Login Screen requires you to enter your LoginID and Password as well as your organization code. Your Bingo Coordinator can give you your LoginID and Password. It is a good idea to go into 'My Details' and change your password the first time you access
Note, if you arrive at the page from a link on your organization's web site, the organization code may have been passed through and therfore not be required for you to enter.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
Select an Event
To view the details for an event click on the link in the calendar. This is where
you would go to add or remove yourself from an event.
Changing Calendar Month
You can change the month up or down by one month with the << or >> buttons. To
move quickly to a different month just select it from the Month drop-down list in the
title bar of the calendar.
Display Options
You can have the calendar show statutory holidays by clicking on the 'Holidays' check box.
You can have the calendar show your organization's special days by clicking on the '..
special days' check box.
Links to Events are shown in an abriviated form on the calendar
ABC = Location code
HH:MM = Time of Event
As = Assigned workers
Rq = Required workers
Administrative Functions (only available to the bigo coordinators)
Shows all events for your organization. This is an administrator screen.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
Found on the Master Event screen, allows coordinator to add new bingo events.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
Use this screen to add a new Bingo event for your organization. You will need to set the date and time as well as the number of workers required.
Default Credits - normally each bingo is worth 1 credit. If you are setting up a double header bingo you can set the default to be 2 credits (or whatever number you like).
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
The primary access to details on bingo events is through clicking on the event link in the calendar. The event details screen for the coordinator is much the same as the worker sees.
One difference is an 'Edit' button that allows the coordinator to change the event settings, time, day, etc.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
Another difference is that the coordinator can add any worker to any event. The worker's version of Event screen only allows the worker to add himself or one of his subworkers. Finally, the coordinator screen has some additional menu choices on the left. These are described below..
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
When you are ready to run a bingo you will need to assign what positions each worker will perform. The 'Assign Positions' screen is used to do this. You are shown the worker's preferred positions. You pick which position you want him or her to worked from the drop down list. Remember to 'Save' changes before leaving this screen. The assigned position information is used in the sign-up sheet and also in the Complete screen when granting credits to workers after the bingo.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
The sign-in sheet is really just another form but in this case it is formatted so that if you print it from you browser it will be able to function as a sign-in sheet.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
Once the bingo is over and you know who actually showed up, and what positions they worked, you can 'Complete' the bingo. The act of completing the bingo is where the credits get assigned to the workers. Default credits are shown based on the position. You can override any credit manually be entering a different number. A comment field is provided so you can note unusual circumstances or reasons for credit allotments.
When adding or editing an event, you can specify the end time for the event. There is also a checkbox beside the end time settings that enables you to display or hide end time on a per event basis.
If the 'Display End Time' box is checked AND you have set the end time for an event, the event detail will show an end time like this...
The master worker list shows primary workers in the left column and their subworkers in the right column.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
You can add a new primary worker by clicking on the 'Add Primary Worker' button. This will bring up an empty detail screen (see below for sample of the detail screen). Enter the workers name, address, etc. then click on 'Save' to add the new worker to the system. Once in the system the new worker will appear in the master worker list and also the drop-down list of available workers in the Event Detail screen.
To add a subworker you first add the primary worker, then bring up the worker detail screen (see below) and use the Add Subworker button there.
You can upload a group of workers all at once from a local text file.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
Text file format: name, phone, email[optional] name is mandatory, if phone is blank the comma is still required, see 'Jack Read' below. Example: Rob Stevens, 555-1212, Bill Smith, 123-4567 Jill Smith, 123-4567 Herman Fanorg, 332-9988, Jack Read,, ... LoginID will be set to the first 10 characters of the name (with spaces removed), eg: robstevens Password will be the same
If you have your worker list in an Excel spreadsheet or Word document you can email in and we will have it in place in 24 hours. (or less ;-)
To 'Edit' a primary or sub- worker's information click on the worker's name to bring up the worker detail screen below.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
The worker detail screen allows you to change name,address, etc. for the worker. You can also change the worker's commitment and even manually change their credits. To add a subworker use the 'Add Subworker' button.
Remember to 'Save Changes' before leaving this screen. Use cancel if you decide to not save changes.
From this screen you can also bring up a list of scheduled and worked events with the respective links..
The reports screen lists available reports.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
Reports are available in HTML or pdf format. HTML is quick for single page reports, pdf should be used for multipage reports.
Worker List - master list of all workers
Event List - master list of events, showing which are fully staffed and which are short workers.
Worker-Event - which workers are working which events
Worker Credit - details of a workers events.
Audit Report - This report will show all activity (adds, removes, changes) for the organization over a user specified time span. In the report selection screen, select a start and end date then click on Run.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
The Audit report shows a time stamp in the left column and a high level description of the action on the left.
When a worker tries to add him or her self to an event that is fully subscribed, the system will ask if they wish to be waitlisted for the event. If they say yes the system will add them to a list of workers that want that event. The event will not show under the worker's scheduled events as they are still not really scheduled for it yet.
If a worker on the full event is removed, the system will send an email to the coordinator(s) telling them that a person is waitlisted for an event that now has an opening. It is up to the coordinator to assign the waitlisted person to the vacant spot then tell the worker that they are in for the event. A future release may do this automatically but for now it is a coordinator manual function.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
The Waitlist screen is used by the Bingo coordinator to assign waitlisted workers to the event they requested. The coordinator can assign a worker even if the event is already fully subscribed. That is, if the event requires 24 workers, and has 24 workers signed up. The coordinator can choose to 'assign' a waitlisted worker to the event thus giving 25 workers signed up.
(click on thumbnail image to see full size image)
Close Days - will automatically set an event's status to closed some number of days before the event. This is so that workers cannot remove themselves at the last minute without the coordinator being involved. If a worker is not going to attend an event and the event is already closed, her/she must contact the coordinator to get removed from the event. This setting is for all events.
The system runs a background job every night to update event status. Any changes made via this screen will be applied to events the next time the background job is run. The background job only closes events. Events that are already closed will not be re-opened based on changes set here.
Default Commitment - When a new worker is added to the system, he/she is assigned this value as an initial commitment. A individual workers commitment can be changed by the coordinator via the worker detail screen.
Worker List Sorted by Primary Worker - The drop down list of available workers, used when manually assigning a worker to a bingo, is normally show in alphabetical order by workers last name. This option allows workers to be show grouped by primary work. Example: all John Smith's sub-workers are grouped with John Smith regardless of their last name.
Display Primary Name on Completion screen - This option will cause primary worker's name to show in parenthesis beside the sub-worker's name in the event detail and completion screen.
The main calendar view in has the ability to show statutory holidays by checking the 'Show Holidays' box. It can also show coordinator-defined 'special days'. These special dates are days, other than statutory holidays, that may effect scheduling of volunteers. Examples are Mother's Day, Father's Day, band camps, etc.
This section of the Preferences' screen allows you to add or remove special dates. To remove, select he check box beside the date(s) then click on 'Remove Selected'.
Add a new Bingo. |
Add a new worker to the system. |
Upload my workers to the system |
Add a new subworker to the system. |
Sign up a worker for a bingo. |
Sign up a subworker for a bingo. |
See what bingos a worker is signed up for. |
See what bingos a worker has worked. |
Change a worker's email address. |
Set a bingo so workers cannot add/remove themselves. |
Print Sign-In sheet |